
Got an email from a friend of mine

"There's a saying in Zen Buddhism, before you enter the Path, the mountain is just a mountain and the river is just a river, when you're walking the Path, the mountain is no longer the mountain and the river is not the river. And after you complete the Path the mountain is still the mountain and the river is still the river.'

We all somehow know the right thing that we're suppose to do but never did. Knowing the truth in our heart yet going against it time and again..This is one of the lesson that each of us come here to learn. Learn to trust and honor the voice within for it always spring forth from truth. And the truth lies in your Heart. This is also a reminder for myself I guess haha... Trust that you're guided and no matter what's the choices you've made they're no mistake, but just another lesson to learn."

This is part of an email Xavier sent to me. Xavier is a Buddhism lecturer I met few years ago in Singapore. I haven't fully understood the Zen concept he offered to me, what I can grasp so far is that after completing the Path, mountain is still mountain and river is still river, but the way we perceive mountain and river may be altered, even though their existence remains unchanged in physical reality/normal senses.


DNA + (Love/Fear) = ?

there are 64 codes of amino acids in our DNA structure made from 4 elements:


logically, we should have 64 codes activated in our DNA structure, yet presently we only have 20 act codes

emotions affect DNA functions:

fear -> slow energy, slow frequency
love ->high energy, high frequency

the vibration of frequency caused by one's emotional state directly affect genetic conditions, our emotions determine how we perceive world because the vibration emitted by subject also exists in object.

all is one

Am I reaching for the secrets too soon?


The Great White Brotherhood

"Happiness is like a ball: you keep kicking it and running after it, and just as you are about to catch it, you kick it again... and start running after it all over again. Yes, it is the chase that stimulates you. It is in the quest, in the pursuit of a goal that you find happiness.
When you get something you want, of course, you are happy for a little while, but that satisfaction is soon followed by a feeling of emptiness, and you start to want something else. Your satisfaction never lasts. So what is the answer? The answer is to set out in pursuit of the farthest and most inaccessible goal: perfection, immensity and eternity. In pursuing this goal, you will find all the things you desire: knowledge, wealth, power and love. Yes, you will find these things without even asking for them."

'Live in Spirit'

Look how encumbered are the roads upon the earth...
they are less on water and even less in the air, and
you can easily increase speed without risk of accidents.
Let's interpret these facts. If we descend in the
physical plane, that is, in the stomach, the belly,
the sex, we'll have lots of accidents, because that's
the way it is in the physical plane. You'll say:
"Ok, since it is so, I'll go into the astral plane,
the feelings, the emotions." Of course, you can live
there more rapidly, but you'll bump in the interests
of your wife, your boss, your colleagues, and there
too there shall be conflicts and accidents. "OK, I,ll
go in the mental plane then, in the world of thought."
That's fine, but there again you can collide with all
those that don't have the same philosophical, scientific,
religious, political conceptions as you. If you really
want to never be hit, shoved, trampled, go even further
than air, in the subtle, clear and luminous regions
of the aether.

-- Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

All Beings

In hope to arrive in some 'better place'
Soon I say, soon
What a relief to feel that I no longer have to continue riding this roller coaster

Would it really be a relief?
Would leaving this feverish ground bring me solitude?
Would it?

I may go home
I may, I don't know
But I do know that I'm not going to leave without you
Why would I leave without you?
Am I not you?
I'm not going to neglect you in the wild
While I'm on my way to enjoy the facilities universe promises me

If I leave, I am not going to leave alone
and If I do
I'll come back
and I will take this ride all over again
For you, with you
All beings