
Adolf Wolfli


lost and found

i don't know where i come from
i don't know what i'm here for
i don't know where i'm going

does it matter?
i got nothing to hide

some pleasure and some pain
breaking through this endless wheel

i don't know what i pray for
when i kneel

i'll get inside
and let go my mind
til' I left with nothing
and nothing is everything


tuhan, bercintalah denganku

aku tunggu kau
di atas ranjang
kita bersetubuh bersama
gairahku gairahmu
di sini, di saat ini

buka lah pakaianmu
tunjukan siapa dirimu
kau di atas, aku di bawah
kau di depan, aku di belakang
tanpa henti
tanpa kenal waktu
kita saling menikmati

tak ada lagi norma
tak ada lagi syarat
hanya aku dan engkau



2 manusia
tanpa pakaian lahir dan batin
keberadaan yang utuh
lingga dan yoni
banyak bilang ini hitam
biarkan saja
karena tanpa hitam
saya tidak akan tahu putih


i want the seed of life
leave me be
til the end of time



The light of the body is the eye

If therefore your eye be single, your body shall be full of light

[Matthew 6:22]


So how can anyone say that they're in love? with a specific person, for example. They're only in love with the anticipations of the emotions they're addicted to.

Would you want to be in love with someone, that only saw you as a means to an end?

Would you want to tell somebody you love them, when in reality who they are is a means to an end?


di dalam
tanpa meninggalkan
bekas lumpur
di tanah
dalam kesunyian aku


Got an email from a friend of mine

"There's a saying in Zen Buddhism, before you enter the Path, the mountain is just a mountain and the river is just a river, when you're walking the Path, the mountain is no longer the mountain and the river is not the river. And after you complete the Path the mountain is still the mountain and the river is still the river.'

We all somehow know the right thing that we're suppose to do but never did. Knowing the truth in our heart yet going against it time and again..This is one of the lesson that each of us come here to learn. Learn to trust and honor the voice within for it always spring forth from truth. And the truth lies in your Heart. This is also a reminder for myself I guess haha... Trust that you're guided and no matter what's the choices you've made they're no mistake, but just another lesson to learn."

This is part of an email Xavier sent to me. Xavier is a Buddhism lecturer I met few years ago in Singapore. I haven't fully understood the Zen concept he offered to me, what I can grasp so far is that after completing the Path, mountain is still mountain and river is still river, but the way we perceive mountain and river may be altered, even though their existence remains unchanged in physical reality/normal senses.


DNA + (Love/Fear) = ?

there are 64 codes of amino acids in our DNA structure made from 4 elements:


logically, we should have 64 codes activated in our DNA structure, yet presently we only have 20 act codes

emotions affect DNA functions:

fear -> slow energy, slow frequency
love ->high energy, high frequency

the vibration of frequency caused by one's emotional state directly affect genetic conditions, our emotions determine how we perceive world because the vibration emitted by subject also exists in object.

all is one

Am I reaching for the secrets too soon?